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FO0849 New High Level Operator

FO0849 New High Level Operator (HLO) For Folding Openers:

Extended folding openers are popular because they open to 315mm giving much better ventilation than the standard 112/111 series. However, there has always been one big problem and that is they were not suitable for high level operation. 

Well that was until recently when the High Level operator was devised! The new High Level Operator (HLO) solves the problem of achieving increased ventilation with folding openers at transom level.

In the past extended folding openers could not be used at high level as it was extremely difficult to close and open the window with the pole operator.
However, now with the all new HLO (Patent Applied For) closing extended folding openers fitted to windows above head height is now simple to achieve.

Call our sales team on 01789 414 044 for more information.
FO0849 - High Level Operator
FO0849 - High Level Operator